Early Registration Opens: May 21st
Early Registration Closes: July 8th OR UNTIL FULL
Registration Fees will increase by $10 beginning July 9th
Late Registration Opens: July 9th (if still open)
Late Registration Closes: July 26th OR UNTIL FULL
Practice Begins: The week of September 3rd
Games Start: September 13th
1st/2nd Grade Regular Season Ends: November 1st
3rd-6th Grade Regular Season Ends: October 25th. Playoffs begin the following week for 3rd-6th grade ONLY.
Coaches Day: TBD
*Make sure to sign your child up for the INCOMING grade they will be in this Fall.*
If your child's grade does not show as available when registering, please call to register for the correct grade immediately before it fills up. We may not be able to move your child to the correct grade if it becomes full.
Incoming 1st/2nd Grade League - CoEd League - $145
Teams will practice once per week and play games on Friday Night. Balls and Flag Belts are provided. Mouth Guards are recommended. Teams will play 8 regular season games (no playoffs). Max roster is 10. Coaches will officiate games.
Incoming 3rd/4th Grade League - CoEd League - $150
Teams will practice once per week and play games on Friday Night. Balls and Flag Belts are provided. Mouth Guards are recommended. Teams will play 7 regular season games (+1 guaranteed playoff game) and participate in an end of season tournament. Max roster is 10. Referees are provided.
Incoming 5th/6th Grade League - CoEd League - $150
Teams will practice once per week and play games on Friday Night. Balls and Flag Belts are provided. Mouth Guards are recommended. Teams will play 7 regular season games (+1 guaranteed playoff game) and participate in an end of season tournament. Max roster is 10. Referees are provided.